Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Better engines

Let me suggest some engines which may be useful for upcoming game makers.

1. Adventure Game Studio- One of the most popular engines for developing amateur games.
2. Game Maker- This free engine is mainly for beginners, who doesn't know much about programming.
3. DX Studio- Another free awesome game engine. Useful for 3D game developers.
4. Atmosphir- Another great engine for PC and Mac.

Hope it helps.
Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that even though there are so many free great engines that are easy to use, some people still use that no-good, so-called game engine named Ren'py.
Maybe that's one of the reasons why 99% of the Ren'py projects get stuck in "Development" Hell.

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of pathetic. PyTom's puppets are typing up big, long comments (full of vulgar words) to support his "precious" engine. Too bad all these comments have been deleted.


For those who want to comment, these are the rules. Obey all the rules if you want your comment to be approved.

1. You must refrain from posting vulgar words.
2. You must not be a puppet of PyTom.
3. You must not post any kind of blasphemy.
4. Don't whine if your comment is not approved as soon as you posted.